New Games

What is the best way to spend a Friday night? Of course, go to the club and dance to some good music. And if you don’t want to get out of your chair, you can do it right on your computer! And it will be even better, because the action of Friday Night Funkin games isn’t limited to a regular stage. You can also go on incredible adventures that will take you to the most unexpected places. And on each of them, you’ll have to battle a new opponent – of course, with a mic in your hand, but sometimes also with actual weapons! Check out our FNF new games and see what’s shaking in the gaming community of this great rhythm-based arcade!

Are you ready to groove?

Friday Night Funkin will charm you with a love story about two young people who want to be together. However, the girl’s father is against it. He challenges the main hero, further referred to as Boyfriend, to a rap battle so that he can prove that he is worthy of his daughter. After that, Boyfriend feels that he has a talent for music and decides to continue his career. In the original game, you have to go for six weeks, each being dedicated to a new rival. But you can meet a whole lot more of them in FNF new games, as well as hear some new incredible songs that will make a decent addition to the collection of any music lover!

The tracks are represented in many styles, and they all differ in complexity. When you play in Easy mode, the music flows smoothly and clearly. As you increase the difficulty, the rhythm also starts going wild. You have to follow all the sharp changes in tempo and pitch if you want the competition to finish in your favor. Every note you strike correctly will bring you points, but if you miss a few, you’ll see your health bar deteriorate. The same can be provoked with a slew of other events happening on stage, so you have to be careful and strive for hitting most of the notes even if you’re outscoring your opponent at the moment.

All new FNF games right here!

So what kinds of new Friday Funking Night games are waiting for you in this section? Anything that recently hit the web! We thoroughly following any latest FNF releases and add them to this site immediately to give you access to the hottest versions of the arcade straight out of the oven. So if you want to stay in tune with the beat, figuratively and literally speaking, and be the first to find out about any FNF new games that are already available, check to this section once in a while and you won’t miss a single piece of the latest stuff!

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